Each year Farm Safety Week is held on the third week in July. In 2021 it will run from the 18th- 24th July to raise awareness of farm safety issues across Australia. This year, Safe Ag Systems has interviewed friends and family, we raised awkward and sometimes uncomfortable topics, to get their insight into workplace health and safety.

This year’s theme as chosen by Farmsafe Australia, from Farm Safety Through the Ages – From 2 to 92. Important daily topics cover child safety, gap year, seasonal and new workers on farm, succession planning, mental health, seasonal pressures as well as ageing on farm.

Join the conversation on social media! Like, share, Comment and follow along at #farmsafetyweek #farmsafety #firstthingsfirst

kids on farm - FSW

Engage your child’s curiosity and include them wherever you can.

Children are naturally curious, so its important to keep them away from danger. This could be in the form of machinery and equipment, livestock or bodies of water. Keep in mind children under the age of 15 are more vulnerable to on-farm related accidents too. Whilst children learn about farm safety as they develop, they also mimic the behaviour. Look at your farm through a child's eyes to add to your health and safety management.


New Worker - newsletter

Let's get ready to work on farm.

It’s best to approach new employees as if it was their first time working on farm. Just because they have been in a similar role on other farms you shouldn’t make the assumption that they know your safety requirements. Perhaps they are a seasonal worker, taking a gap year or helping for the holidays. Everyone has the right to go home safe so let’s get all of you ready to start work on the farm.


peace of mind - newsletter

Easy on the ear, gentle on the mind

We are all guilty of pulling long hours to beat the weather, chase a market opportunity or save a few dollars on staff. While we can do it on the odd occasion, it's not a sustainable solution. It's also not good for the health of your people, or for your production or profit. Left unmanaged, worry, lack of sleep, and fatigue affect our ability to function properly and impact our mental health.


succession planning - newsletter

If we don’t talk about it, it doesn’t just go away.

It's a topic that you may find yourself deliberately not thinking about. When it involves family, you can understand why succession planning has become a taboo topic, with complex emotions causing stress and panic, but it really doesn’t have to be that way.


succession gust blog - newsletter

(Succession) Planning for peace of mind

death is one of the certainties in life and if given the chance, it is usually preferable to ensure that the benefits of our life’s work pass to those we love. Further, unfortunately, none of us are exempt from accidents or serious health events. Good succession planning advice can provide you and your family peace of mind in the event of your incapacity or death.  


business planning - newsletter

Clarity of role and Business Direction reduces stress

Whether it’s during the day-to-day operations of your business, or business succession planning, it is vitally important to ensure you have clarity. If you are feeling anxious or stressed about your current or future circumstances, spend some time developing a clear, simple, and effective roadmap forward. Clarity of role and direction are invaluable tools in providing you the confidence to move forward in your business.


fatigue - newsletter

Our work rarely happens between Monday to Friday, 9 to 5.

Fatigue is one of the most common hazards on a farm, and most underrated risk for everyone. It’s more than just feeling a bit tired. Fatigue is that overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. It interferes with normal daily activities and functioning, impacts on alertness and slows reaction times. Are you at risk?


over 55 - newsletter

Take 5 for the over 55's

The average farmer has most likely been working for 35 years of their life! Did you know that farmers over the age of 55 were twice as likely to sustain injuries on farm compared to their younger counter parts? Take 5 with Nick Clarke and make changes to your health and safety today.


Risk Assessment - RA - Guest

Disclaimer: Content on this website may be of relevance to users outside of Australia, but content links and examples are specific to Australia. Please check with your local authority for your country and industry requirements.