Contractor Directory

Unlock more opportunities with Safe Ag Systems' Contractor Directory. Promote your services to hundreds of agricultural businesses across Australia and New Zealand.
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What are the benefits?


Grow your business

Over 800 agribusinesses and potential clients can connect with you using Safe Ag Systems. Create your listing with a trusted directory.


Did we mention it’s free?

It's free to list on the Contractor Directory. Reduce costs, win contracts and increase revenue.


Connect with clients

Clients using Safe Ag Systems can connect with you. Giving you access to their safety information, inductions, emergency plans and logged hazards.

See how it works.

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Be a Preferred Contractor

Highlight your contractor business.

Show why you're the best choice as a contractor. Complete Risk Assessments on your machines and share them with your clients. Don’t forget to add your employees so they can also get important safety information.

Your clients can use Safe Ag Systems to assign inductions and tasks to make sure you are familiar with the job site and what you need to do.

Contractor Safety

A tool in your hand to identify potential hazards.

Keep safe on site by following an emergency management plan, recognise potential dangers, and avoid restricted areas. Know the proper procedures for reporting hazards, incidents, near misses, and injuries.

Rest easy that you are safe on site with Safe Ag Systems "At Work" function. A digital farm map helps you and your employees pin point their location in an emergency.

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Contractor Inductions

Arrive on site, inducted, approved and ready to work.

Get ready with the knowledge and resources to perform your job safely. Learn about client expectations and complete inductions on the App before arriving on site.

Digital inductions can include documents like videos, images and more. Clients can share their policies, key emergency information and identified hazards.

Inventory Management

Don’t miss a thing with detailed records.

Use QR codes to simplify how you do your work. QR codes for machinery and other inventory, make it easier to access the latest information, keep records correctly, and do prestart checks.

The App helps contractors track machinery usage, both hours and odometer readings effortlessly. With its tagout feature, Safe Ag Systems can let a contractor know when equipment is unsafe to operate.

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Contractor Frequently Asked Questions

Who can list in the Contractor Directory?

If your business offers contracting services, you can be listed in the Contractor Directory. 

Do I have to pay for a Contractor Directory listing?

No. Listing in the Contractor Directory is free. 

What details can be seen on my listing?

Your listing will show your business name, phone number, email address and contact person. If you added the state/s you work in and services provided, they'll be visible too. 

Is the Contractor Directory publicly available?

No, only eligible Safe Ag Systems subscribers can use the Contractor Directory.

How do Safe Ag Systems subscribers connect to my business?

Once you have an active and viewable listing in the Contractor Directory a Safe Ag Systems subscriber can invite you to connect. You choose to accept or decline the invitation. 

Why have I received an email inviting me to list in the Contractor Directory?

You received an email because a Safe Ag Systems subscriber invited you to create a free listing, so you can access their safety system. 

How do I access a Clients safety system once we are connected?

You can only access a subscriber’s safety system on the Safe Ag Systems App.

Resources for Contractors

Set up your free listing and put your services in front of farming businesses throughout Australia.
Group 4495

Where should you start?

Make your free listing in the Safe Ag Systems Contractor Directory to promote your business. Connect with more clients to receive important safety information.

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What other tools are available?

Stay on top with Safe Ag Systems! Our cloud-based software helps your team learn, work together, share reports, and get things done more effectively.

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Get in touch with support

Our team are here to help you stay on track. Having trouble logging in? We can help you solve problems, figure out any issues, and answer your questions.

Contact Us
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