
Health and Safety in Dairy Farming

In dairy farming, no two days are the same. Choose the reliability of a digital safety system when it comes to health and safety.
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Unlock the potential of your Dairy Farm.


Unique hazards and challenges.

Dairy farmers face a variety of safety challenges, workers are often handling large animals and heavy equipment. Inductions need to be tailored to your industry. Send inductions to workers and contractors before they arrive.
Our purpose built Working with Livestock and in Stockyards induction covers flight zones, use of PPE, hygiene to minimize the risk of zoonosis and animal handling.

Policies and procedures written to meet your specific demands.

Busy in the dairy shed? Make policies and procedures accessible on the App. Communicate your expectations with our Working in Dairy Policy.
Cover your important safety information including working with live animals, safe working conditions (noise, climate and traffic), animal vaccinations, effluent ponds locations and working in confined spaces.

Identify hazards before they become a danger.

Provide a safer workplace with our range of dairy inspection templates. Tackle Animal Welfare, Biosecurity, Safe and Responsible Animal Treatment. Follow up Safety Inspections by creating tasks.
Communicate clearly with your contractors or workers. Create digital checklists and attach prestart checks to any machinery or equipment to complete tasks safely.

The right information to drive continuous improvements

Dairy farms are prone to hazards. You’re working with wet conditions, overhead powerlines, confined spaces, and more. When you can’t eliminate the hazard, you need to control the risks.
Near miss and Incident Reporting can provide steps to record the essential information. While hazard mapping can allow your team to pinpoint a hazard on-farm, including the effluent pond.

Benefits of Safe Ag Systems in Dairy Farming


Improved Productivity

Provide the right information, making it easily accessible, when its needed.


Reduced Incident Rates

Feel confident that your safety system is helping to reduce the risk of penalties or worse, prosecution.


Meet your Legal Obligations

Safety and compliance software developed by farmers and created by qualified WHS experts

It's not just about having the right set up. It’s about having the right training and mentality, being able to access what you need when you need it.
Lots of things that busy dairy farmers often don’t have time to think about. An app like this certainly makes it easy to be able to do that.

Cath Ratcliffe, West Webbery Farm