Need Assistance?

Our how-to video series is here to guide you through the different features and processes done in the App.

Our video series is here to help.

More videos are being produced regularly! Be sure to check back to see what's new.

How to add Inventory?

[0:30 seconds]

Learn how to add Machinery, Structures, Tools or Chemicals as Inventory items in your subscription.

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How to add Tasks?

[0:26 seconds]

Discover how to Add and Assign Tasks to workers with just a few simple clicks and details.

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Maintenance Records

[0:29 seconds]

Let us show you how to add maintenance records and view previous maintenance logs to inventory. 

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Who's at Work?

[0:34 seconds]

See how our At Work/Not At Work system operates when locating a worker within your mapped farm.

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How to accept Procedures?

[0:44 seconds]

Be guided through the process of completing an assigned procedure.

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How to complete Checklists?

[0:45 seconds]

This video demonstrates how to complete a safety checklist assigned to an item of inventory.

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How to report a Near Miss or Incident?

[1:00 minute] 

Learn how to log a Near Miss or Incident report and what details are required.

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How to log a Hazard?

[0:58 seconds]

Let us show you how to log a hazard on your farm through the Safe Ag Systems App.

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Emergency Management


Learn how to alert a Medical or Fire emergency, Call Important Contacts, view Health Action Plans and access Safety Data Sheets.

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How to Scan QR Code?

[0:22 seconds]

This video will guide you through using one of our QR Codes on an item of Inventory.

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It was awesome support and Safe Ag Systems provided tips. Client support assisted with getting our manuals across from an old app we use into the Safe Ag Systems app.

Tony Webb, Greenhill Bros.

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