Administration Overview

Administration contains System Usage, Reporting and Archive. These features allow the business to review their system, report on trends and identify areas of safety that are used well or need improvement.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Administration can only be accessed on Desktop.

System Usage provides the Compliance Assessment and a snapshot of how you're using different sections of Safe Ag Systems.

Incomplete Records Report provides a list of overdue or unfinished items within your safety system including overdue tasks, policies and procedures still in draft, workers who have not been inducted or have incomplete inductions, expired machinery registrations or equipment tags and incomplete near miss/incident reports. This tab allows businesses to get a quick snapshot of unfinished items and work through completing them.

Reporting enables businesses to generate a range of reports based on key safety parameters and export them as a CSV, Excel or PDF file for further analysis.

Some reporting features are not available to Standard subscribers. 

Archive enables businesses to search on archived records for Inventory Items and Safety Inspection reports.

System Usage

Accessing your Compliance Assessment

Improving Your Safety Rating

Using your Compliance Assessment

Incomplete Records Report

Accessing Incomplete Records Report


Reporting Overview

Exporting a Report

Printing Comments and Amendments on Tasks

Reporting on Machinery Hours/Kilometres/Miles

Running Document Reports