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Current Version
Desktop 2.628, App 2.6.6 (4525)
Latest Release Notes - 08.03.25
In this release, there have been a number of Improvements and fixes as listed below.
Improvements 🙌
- The Staff at Work tile on the Dashboard now let’s you see when a staff member was last set to “At Work” vs when they were last active on the App.
New Inventory Types and Categories have been added for Machinery & Equipment, Tools and Structures as detailed below.
Machinery & Equipment:
New Type “Security” added with the following Categories:
Surveillance, Access Control, Communication -
Existing Types have had new Categories added:
Bulk Handling > Hopper
Fencing > Wire Roller
Landscaping and Gardening > Chipper, Mulcher & Shredder
Trucks/Trailers > Dolly
Trucks/Trailers > Mounted Brush
Vehicles > Boat
Fire Equipment > Fire Blanket
New Type “Habitats” added with the following Categories: Boxes, Hives
Existing Type “Water Ways & Storage” has had the Category “Effluent/Slurry Storage” added
New Type “Testing Equipment” has been added with the following Category values:
Gas, Grain, Electrical, Livestock, Plants, Soil, Water -
Existing Type “Livestock Handling Tools/Equipment” has had the following Categories added:
Weighing Equipment, Stock Prodder -
New Type “Weighing Equipment” has been added with Category “Scales”
Existing Type “Medical” has had the Category “Autoclave” added
Existing Type “Power Supply” has had the following Categories added:
Accessories, Charger, Generator, Residual Current Device
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Fixed an issue where the Staff At Work tile on the Dashboard would not display everyone who was marked as “At Work” on the App.
- Fixed an issue where Supervisors were able to see Checklist Logs in the Manage People and Inventory sections when only Business Administrators were set as having visibility.
- Fixed an issue where users could not print Location Maps.
- Fixed an issue where printing Checklist Logs would sometimes cut off some of the text if a lot of text had been entered.
- Fixed Risk Assessment issues by improving the syncing process between the database and the App.
- The Contact Business Invite email has been improved to make it easier for Contract Businesses to create their freemium account and connect with a company.
- Fixed an issue with the Safety Rating calculation where Emergency Management Important Contacts and Onboarding demo documents were not handled correctly.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
New ✨
Users can now see their “In Progress” Risk Assessments in the Incomplete Documents section of the Home screen.
Improvements 🙌
- Changed where the "All tasks" link on the App Home screen takes the user - the tasks menu will now be displayed (instead of the All tasks list). The user can then choose which tasks to view; e.g. All Tasks, Tasks for Anyone, etc.
- The At Work feature has been improved to show when a user was last set to “At Work” vs when they were last active in the App. (This updates automatically approximately every 15 minutes while the user is using the App.)
- New Inventory Types and Categories have been added for Machinery & Equipment, Tools and Structures. See the full list of these in the Desktop section above.
- When viewing a task linked to a Risk Assessment, the summary of the Risk Assessment can be viewed from the task.
If a user is logged in when their password is reset or their login method is changed, they will be automatically logged out. They will need to log back in with their new login details.
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Fixed an issue where Supervisors were able to see Checklist Logs in the People and Inventory sections when only Business Administrators were set as having visibility.
- Fixed an issue where the At Work list did not match the Staff At Work tile on Desktop Dashboard.
- Fixed an issue where tasks linked to Risk Assessments wouldn’t show the Risk Assessment name until the Risk Assessments page was accessed.
- Multiple bug fixes for Risk Assessments as a result of improved syncing processes between the database and the App. Note: Risk Assessments are still unavailable offline. This will be addressed in a future release.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
Previous Product Updates
Browse our previous software release notes and features by version below.
Desktop 2.620, App 2.6.2 (4513) - 08/02/2025
New ✨
Create simple tasks quickly without detailed descriptions: When creating a new task, or editing an existing task, the Task description field is optional.
Don’t leave a task accidentally unassigned: The Assignee(s) field will default to blank. “Unassigned” is now a selectable option in the dropdown.
Assign tasks to yourself easily: A user can easily assign a task to themselves using the:
- “Assign to me” link under the Assignee(s) field when adding or editing a task
- “Assign to me” button when viewing an Unassigned task
Link tasks to inventory item from a Checklist: Enhance task accuracy by linking tasks created in a Checklist to the relevant inventory item (Machinery, Equipment, Structures, Tools, Chemicals) when completing a Checklist for that item.
Save time and link tasks to multiple inventory items (Machinery & Equipment, Structures, Tools, and Chemicals): One task can now be linked to multiple inventory items. All linked tasks are clearly visible when viewing an inventory item (and vice versa).
- Task linking button on the Linked Tasks tab in the Inventory section will present two options:
- Add linked task
Allows a user to add a new task that will automatically link to the inventory item. - Link existing task
Allows a user to link one or more existing tasks to an inventory item.
- Add linked task
Checklists now support negative numbers and decimals: Running a Checklist or Audit with a Number element will accept decimals and negative numbers.
Improvements 🙌
- Added “Fertiliser” as a Chemical Category.
- Existing Chemical Categories have been renamed:
- “Chemicals for baiting and/or fumigation” has been changed to “Baiting and/or fumigation”
- “Veterinary Chemical” has been changed to “Veterinary”.
- “Plant and equipment cleaning chemicals” has been changed to “Plant and equipment cleaning”.
- “Other Chemicals” has been changed to “Other”.
- Added help text to Coming Soon section: The Coming Soon section on the Dashboard now includes help to explain when notifications and tasks are automatically created for listed events.
- Added ‘Login Help’ link to the login page to assist users who are having trouble logging in.
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Fixed an issue to ensure users are prompted to assign a new viewer when archiving a person who is the only one with access to a Personnel Record.
- Fixed an issue where the phone number flag defaulted to Australia for all countries when entering emergency contacts under Emergency Information.
- Fixed an issue on the Training Register where using ‘Clear Filters’ would cause an error.
- Fixed an issue where adding a comma when entering an odometer reading for Machinery & Equipment would produce an error.
- Fixed an issue where imported Risk Assessments would not bring across images.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
New ✨
Create simple tasks quickly without detailed descriptions: When creating a new task, or editing an existing task, the Task description field is optional.
Don’t leave a task accidentally unassigned: The Assignee(s) field will default to blank. “Unassigned” is now a selectable option in the dropdown.
Assign tasks to yourself easily: A user can easily assign a task to themselves using the:
- “Assign to me” link under the Assignee(s) field when adding or editing a task
- “Assign to me” button when viewing an Unassigned task
Save time and link tasks to multiple inventory items (Machinery & Equipment, Structures, Tools and Chemicals): One task can now be linked to multiple inventory items. All linked tasks are clearly visible when viewing an inventory item (and vice versa).
- The Linked Tasks screen will present two options for an Inventory item:
- Add linked task
Allows a user to add a new task that will automatically link to the inventory item. - Link existing task
Allows a user to link one or more existing tasks to an inventory item.
- Add linked task
Link tasks to inventory item from a Checklist: Enhance task accuracy by linking tasks created in a Checklist to the relevant inventory item (Machinery, Equipment, Structures, Tools, Chemicals) when completing a Checklist for that item.
Checklists now support negative numbers and decimals: Running a Checklist or Audit with a Number element will accept decimals and negative numbers.
Improvements 🙌
- Added “Fertiliser” as a Chemical Category.
- Existing Chemical Categories have been renamed
- “Chemicals for baiting and/or fumigation” has been changed to “Baiting and/or fumigation”
- “Veterinary Chemical” has been changed to “Veterinary”.
- “Plant and equipment cleaning chemicals” has been changed to “Plant and equipment cleaning”.
- “Other Chemicals” has been changed to “Other”.
- Added “Login Help” link to the login page to assist users who are having trouble logging in.
Bug Fixes 🐞
- When using the SAS app on Android devices, an inbuilt camera has been added. This fixes an issue where the app would restart when using the phone’s own camera to take photos.
- When reporting a Near Miss & Incident, names of Individuals and Witnesses now appear in alphabetical order.
- Fixed an issue where imported Risk Assessments would not bring across images.
- Fixed an issue with visitor Inductions where Management Portal users could not be easily identified - now shown with (MP) appended to their name in the list of Inductors.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
Desktop 2.609, App 2.6.1 (4504) - 28/09/2024
Fixed an issue where archived Location Items were still displaying on the map.
Manage People:
Viewing user details:
Quickly identify which login method a user is using - a username or a provider (Google, Microsoft or Apple).
Improvements to reset password feature to provide clearer instructions to users who use a provider login (Apple, Google or Microsoft).
New icon
added to user tiles to highlight if a user has not actioned their registration email and is therefore still Not Connected to your site.
Resend Connection Code button has been renamed to Resend Registration Email.
Restrict who can view Personnel/Business Records:
Access to Personnel Records (and Business Records for Contract Businesses) can now be restricted to all Business Administrators, all Supervisors, or individual users.
If a user is archived and they are the only one who has access access to someone’s Personnel/Business Record, an error will appear so that this can be resolved.
Fixed an issue where Training records could not be added for Contract Businesses.
Search by Asset ID for Machinery & Equipment, Structures, and Tools (using the Search field).
Task Manager:
View details of an inventory item linked to a task from the task itself.
Can also view a summary of Checklists, Audits, Risk Assessments, and Near Miss & Incidents.
Added the Content Report option for Published and Archived Checklists.
The Content Report option will allow users to report on responses entered into a Checklist.
NOTE: This is a very basic (Beta) solution right now. There are known restrictions for complex Checklists, particularly those that include the Record Repeater element. Continued improvements are expected to be done in future.
Added No. of tasks and No. of follow up tasks columns to the “Checklist Logs” and “Completed Checklists” reports.
Added Task Description column to the “Linked Tasks” report.
Added Time Started and Time Completed columns to the “Checklist Logs” and “Completed Checklists” reports.
Management Portal (multi-site users):
Added a new “User Seats per Company” report.
Emergency alert notifications now indicate if someone is “Off site”’ (i.e. they’re outside a Location boundary) or “Unknown” (they have not enabled Location sharing).
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
Task Manager:
View details of an inventory item or a Checklist linked to a task from the task itself.
Can now search by Person Name or Training Title using the Search field.
Search by Asset ID for Machinery & Equipment, Structures and Tools (using the Search field).
When running a Checklist while in an inventory item, the user is not asked to choose how that Checklist is run - the Checklist will automatically be “performed for” the inventory item.
Note: When running a Checklist from Documents > Checklists, users will still receive the option to choose how it is run (standalone or for a specific inventory item (if it’s attached to one or more inventory items).
Fixed an issue where a Policy wouldn’t open when running an Induction that contained a Policy.
Emergency alert notifications now indicate if someone is “Off site”’ (i.e. they’re outside a Location boundary) or “Unknown” (they have not enabled Location sharing).
Safe Ag Systems App now works on Android 14 devices.
Desktop v2.590, App 2.5.0 (4491) - 06/07/2024
n this release, there will be a number of fixes and improvements as listed below.
Improved visibility by updating the Dashboard:
- Updated the Incomplete Tasks section on the Dashboard to show the number of incomplete tasks per user, plus Unassigned and Anyone tasks.
- Added Documents in progress section to the Dashboard for Business Administrators and Supervisors to highlight the number of outstanding document actions.
- Added Coming soon section to the Dashboard for Business Administrators and Supervisors to list actions that will require action soon (e.g. upcoming training expiry, registration expiry).
Emergency Contact Information: Users can now add their personal Emergency Contacts in My Details.
Manage People:
- Personal Emergency Contacts can also be recorded against a user in Manage People (and will then display on the person’s My Details).
- Added a warning if a user's name is changed to stop a person’s record from being used for someone else (because historical records would be shown against the new person).
Health Record checkbox updated: Changed from ‘Allow health action plan to be viewed by workers’ to ‘Allow action plan to be viewed by everyone’.
Increased number of Hazards that can be added for a Chemical.
Linked Tasks tab: Added new Linked Tasks tab for inventory to link tasks specific to an inventory item. New tab includes an Add Linked Task button to allow a task to be added easily for an inventory item.
New order for Tasks: Changed the order of fields when adding a Task.
Main menu item changed: "Documents & Files" main menu item renamed to "Documents".
New report added: Upcoming Machinery & Equipment Maintenance Report.
Checklist Logs Report: Fixed an issue with Checklist Logs Report returning incorrect results.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
New look App design: The App has a new look. The design now includes tabs to improve the navigation.
New Home screen: This now shows all tasks and documents that the user needs to action, and provides access to recently used inventory and documents.
Speed improvements:
- We've made speed enhancements to improve your experience.
- While more noticeable in well-connected areas, everyone should experience significant improvements.
Work offline toggle: A new feature now available through the main menu .
Download data improvements: Improved data download experience providing faster access to App.
Updated the Guided Tour: Available to new users, when App is downloaded, or from Help & Resources menu option).
Improved the App footer( Quick Access menu):
- New Home button added
- The Add button has been redesigned to provide quick access to Task, Hazard and Near Miss & Incident creation.
New call reporter button: Added a Call Reporter button to Emergency Alerts. (If the reporter has not shared their phone number with everyone, then this button will only be visible to Business Administrators and Supervisors).
Emergency Management:
- Users can add their personal Emergency Contacts in My Details.
- Users with appropriate access permissions can see Health Action Plans and Emergency Contacts in the People list.
- Adjusted which people Contractors can view – can see their own record plus users who are emergency contacts (Fire Wardens, First Aid Officers, Site Managers).
Hazardous Chemicals: Increased number of Hazards that can be added for a Chemical.
More options for locked out/tagged out:
- Machinery & Equipment and Tools can be locked out/tagged out via more options menu.
- Able to remove lockout/tagout via the more options menu for Machinery & Equipment and Tools.
New Linked Tasks functionality:
- Able to view Linked Tasks for inventory items.
- When inside an inventory item, the Add Task option from Add in the Quick Access menu allows user to link the Task to the inventory item.
Updated Task Manager:
- Changed the order of fields when adding a Task.
- Added the Created By filter to Tasks lists.
Update to task and hazard mapping:
- When pinning position for a Task, Hazard or Item, if users have shared their location, a blue dot will show their current position on the map.
- Changed workflow when adding a Hazard or Item to a Location so that the user is not prompted to pin the position on the map first. They can map it later. This enables Hazards/Items to be created while offline.
Important security changes: If a user is made inactive, is archived, a subscription ends, or a trial expires, they will be automatically logged out.
Access Levels update: If a user has a change in Access Level, this is reflected immediately without the user having to logout or close the App.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
Knowledge Base Articles
Read the latest how-to articles for step-by-step guides, watch training videos, and learn valuable tips to help you get the most out of the Safe Ag Systems Program. Our updated articles now feature the New Look and highlight changes and improvements.
Desktop v2.558, App 2.4.32 (4460) - 29/07/2023
In this release, there have been a number of fixes and improvements as listed below.
Bulk attach Documents to Inventory: We have introduced the ability to attach multiple checklists and procedures to Inventory items in one action. Note: This action is per Inventory Type.
Control who can view Checklist Logs: You can now specify who can view completed Checklist Logs based on Access Level. This is useful for inspections, meeting minutes etc.
Control who sees Notifications: Specify which Access Level(s) should receive At Work/Left Work and Visitor Notifications.
Allow Contractors to Access your Noticeboard: Decide if Contractors can access Information on your Noticeboard. When toggled on, you can grant “Read Only” or “Full Access”.
New fields in Manage People: A Worker’s Job Position is now visible on worker tiles instead of their Access Level. Also new field to record “Nationality” has been added.
New filters under Manage People: You can now filter by “Emergency Roles” (e.g. First Aid Officers).
Mandatory sharing of Emergency Contacts: Phone numbers for First Aid Officers and Fire Wardens are automatically made available to all users. For all other workers, there is still the option to keep their phone number private.
Important Contacts across multiple locations: A copy button has been added so you can copy important contacts to other locations.
Expiry Notifications have changed:
- Machinery Registration reminders have decreased from 30 days to 7 days
- Safety Data Sheets reminders have decreased from 30 days to 7 days
- Training Register notifications have increased from 30 days to 60 days
Implemented a new Signature field: Users can now manually sign or upload a signature when publishing Policies and Procedures.
Changed “Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)” field label: Changed to “VIN or Serial/Product Number” in Machinery/Equipment section.
Changed Chemical field labels: “Quantity On Hand” has changed to “Quantity In Stock” (in line with reporting).
Increased character limit: Increased the character limit to 4000 for the “Event Description” field in the Near Miss and Incident section.
Increased file size limit: For Checklists and AgAuditor, we have increased the file size limit to 30MB for images and drawing content included on a form.
Adjusted viewing of Document: Minor improvements to ensure that more content is visible when viewing a Checklist, Policy, Procedure or Audit form. (Letterheads are visible in a printed document.)
Improved Uploaded Documents: Improved this section for a better user experience.
Incomplete Records Report: More reporting options available for Management Portal users including:
- Company Policy Templates not used
- Company Procedure Templates not used
- Company Checklist Templates not used
New Reports added:
- Completed Tasks
- Completed Checklists
- Accepted Procedures
- Recent Near Miss and Incidents (replaces Incidents Past Week)
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
Access completed Checklist Logs: Workers and Contractors can now access Checklists Logs completed by others if they have been granted access.
Ability to control Contractor access to the Noticeboard: Contractors can view or post information on the Noticeboard if they have been granted access. (Able to grant “Read Only” or “Full Access”.)
New filters in People section: Users can now filter by “Emergency Roles” (e.g. First Aid Officer or Fire Warden).
Mandatory sharing of Emergency Contact details: First Aid Officers' and Fire Wardens' phone numbers are visible to everyone in the People section.
Changed Chemical field labels: “Quantity On Hand” has changed to “Quantity In Stock” (in line with reporting).
Changed “Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)” field label: Changed to “VIN or Serial/Product Number” in Machinery/Equipment section.
Increased character limit: Increased the character limit to 4000 for the “Event Description” field in the Near Miss and Incident section.
Emergency Management PDF issue resolved: PDF’s can now be viewed on the app when added to Health Records, Emergency Response Plans and Directions for Emergency Services.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements.
Desktop v2.520, App 2.4.27 (4438) - 01/04/2023
In this release, there have been a number of fixes and improvements as listed below.
Emergency Management Improvements: You are now able to record a greater variety of contact types, and select a system user as an emergency contact so that changes to their contact details are made in one spot only (i.e. in Manage People). Get help with your Emergency Management set-up.
Reporting for Management Portal Users: The Dashboard has been enhanced to provide an overview of records for connected companies. Learn more about the Management Reporting Overview.
Advanced filtering for Reports: Generate reports and present your data in a way that makes sense. Learn more about Reporting in our Knowledge Base.
Save your Favourite Reports: Access frequently used reports, mark them as favourites and save your filters to save you time.
Supervisor's Reports: Supervisors can now access many of the reports.
New reports added:
- Person Records Report (list training, inductions, policies and procedures per person)
- Linked Tasks Report (list tasks linked to records such as Inventory, Checklists, Incidents or Risk Assessments)
- Chemical Quantity On Hand Report (report current quantity, or the quantity at a specific point in time as well as usage for a date period)
- Documents Not Used Report
- Document Interaction and Training report (list of people and their interaction with Policies, Procedures, Checklists, Inductions and Training Records)
- People Without Document Interaction or Training
- Active Users Who Never Logged In Report
- Scheduled Training Report
- Location Items Report
Visitor Register available to all Pro Subscriptions: Allowing visitors to log entry and exit across locations plus vehicle registration field has been added. Learn How to use the Visitor Log.
New field added to Training Register: Added the ability to record a Training Provider Name to the Training Register.
Task Manager improvements: Now able to view and manage links between Tasks and inventory (e.g. see what inventory a task is linked to).
Inspections moved to Checklists: Inspections can now be performed using Checklists to provide a better user experience and utilise a wider range of functionality.
People details: Able to control whether a person’s phone number can be viewed by workers.
More links in Notifications: More notifications now include a link to the relevant record in the system.
Documents: Improved viewing of Policies, Procedures and Checklists.
Safety Rating improvements: Usage Rating now includes four categories Low, Average, Good and High.
Twitter feed fixed on Dashboard: Tweets from the Safe Ag Systems account are responsive again.
Risk Assessments: Increased character limit from 255 to 1000 for some text fields in the General Risk Assessment.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements (including improved filtering in multiple areas).
Emergency Management: Users able to select various emergency contacts in the event of an emergency (e.g. Fire Warden and Traffic Warden).
Visitor Register: Vehicle registration field added to the Visitor Log (to all Pro subscription users) so that all Visitors can record entry and exit logs across all locations.
Task Manager: Now able to view and manage links between Tasks and Inventory (e.g. see what inventory a task is linked to).
People details: Workers and Contractors are able to view a list of people in the company, and identify First Aid Officers and Fire Wardens from that list. Users can indicate whether their phone number can be viewed by workers.
Notifications: More notifications now include a link to the relevant record in the system.
Increased character limited for Inventory items: You can now include more information in the Maintenance Description field for all Inventory.
Risk Assessments: Increased character limit from 255 to 1000 for some text fields in the General Risk Assessment.
Improved communication on Login screen: Includes updates to the message that appears on the Login screen when a user is offline to make it clear a user can’t login or use the QR scanner.
Plus various other fixes and minor enhancements (including improved filtering in multiple areas).
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