Adding Tasks (App)

Maintaining a list of tasks keeps you on track and ensures everyone knows what they are meant to be doing. Less down time and more productivity! Now that's a good thing.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

For Desktop, see Adding Tasks.

Adding a New Task

  1. From the Quick Access menu, tap Add icon-plus and select Add Task.
  2. Complete the Task details. Details on the required fields are listed. For details on the available optional fields, see below.
    1. Task Title 
    2. Assignee(s) - Tasks can be assigned to:
      1. Yourself using the Assign to Me button. 
      2. An individual user.
      3. Multiple users - assigned by selecting each user, or an Access Level. 
      4. If each person needs to complete the Task, tick Create a separate task per person.
      5. Anyone - allows any user to assign to themselves and action.
      6. Unassigned. 
    3. Type, Date and Priority
      1. Type - this will default to General. Corrective Action can also be used to highlight when addressing an issue raised from a Checklist or Incident. 
      2. Due Date - the due date will be set to tomorrow's date, but can be edited.
      3. Priority - this will default to Medium. Low and High can also be set. 
      4. Are there risks associated? - this will default to no. If Yes is selected, a safety disclaimer will be shown to the user. 
  3. Click Save. If assigned to a user, they will receive a notification on the Desktop and App. 

Optional Task Fields

  • Task Description - any additional details to help the assignee complete the Task. 
  • Position - mark the position of the task on a map.
    • If the User has Location Services On and are within a Location boundary, the App will show their location with a blue dot. To change Locations, tap the Location dropdown and select another option. 
      Task Position
  • Upload Images - add any relevant images to the Task. 
  • Documents and Links
    • Safe Ag Systems Documents - attach up to 5 Checklists, Policies or Procedures. 
    • Add External Links - attach up to 3 external websites. 
    • Attach Files - attach up to 3 files.
      • Accepted File Types: .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .docx and .doc

What's Next?

Actioning Tasks (App)