Checking Induction Statuses (App)

Inductions are an important tool in ensuring your team is familiar with your workplace and your farm rules.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

To see Induction Statuses on Desktop, see Checking Induction Statuses.

The Induction Status of a Visitor can only be seen on Desktop.

A Business Administrator and Supervisor can check the status of inductions assigned to users via the App. 
Induction Status can be checked:

Induction Status for an Individual

  1. From the main menu icon-hamburgermenu, tap People.
  2. Select a user, and tap View Inductions.
    App Profile Inductions
  3. Tap an Induction to see more details. 
    App Profile Induction Records

Induction Status for Multiple Users

  1. From the main menu icon-hamburgermenu, tap Documents > Inductions.
    App Documents
  2. Tap Other's Inductions. 
    App Documents Inductions
  3. Tap Inducted by me or Inducted by others.
    App Inducted by 2024
  4. Use the Search bar to filter the list. 
    List of App Inductions 2024

What's Next?

Assigning Inductions (App)