Using your Compliance Assessment

You may be able to use your Safety Rating and Compliance Assessment to negotiate a discount with your Insurer. You can download a Usage Certificate to provide evidence of your commitment to workplace safety.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

The Compliance Assessment can only be accessed on Desktop.

Generate Certificate is only available if you have a safety rating of Average, Good or High. 

  1. From the left menu, go to Dashboard, navigate to Compliance Assessment, select more options3-dot2and click Generate Certificate.
  2. Click Yes to Recalculate Rating. It's best to recalculate your Safety Rating so it's up-to-date when the certificate is downloaded.

  3. Click Print to save as a PDF or print your certificate. A sample Certificate is shown below.



Next Steps

Improving your Safety Rating

Accessing your Compliance Assessment