Logging Machinery Hours/Kilometres/Miles (App)

Log odometer readings (hours/kms/miles) to track the use of machines. The odometer reading can be used to trigger reminders for upcoming maintenance.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

The machine must be set to record the odometer based on hours, kilometres or miles for this function to work.

    1. Access the Inventory items:
      1. Tap the Main menu Main Menu and select Inventory > Machinery & Equipment then tap on the machinery item, or
      2. Scan the item's QR Code.
    2. A popup will prompt to log hours/kilometres/miles. Tap Yes

    3. Engine hours (logged dd/mm/yyyy) will display the last recorded reading and date it was logged.
    4. Enter the New Engine Hours and tap Save

What's Next?

Logging Machinery Hours/Kilometres/Miles

Printing Inventory QR Codes

Adding Maintenance (App)