How to use our Risk Assessment Tool

Yes, it's true, we have released our Risk Assessment Tool Beta! This is designed to utilise likelihood and consequence to complete two types of assessments covering machinery & equipment, tools and other general WHS risks.

Starting Your First Assessment 

Completing Your Risk Assessments

Submit the Assessment for Approval 

Import an Existing Risk Assessment from a Free Guest User

How to Find the Risk Assessment Tool 

Subscription Holders: On the Desktop under Safety Manager > Risk Assessment or in the main menu on the mobile App. 

New Users: Have the choice between setting up a Free Account or accessing the Risk Assessment Tool as a guest. By creating a Free Account, you can also access the Risk Assessment Tool via the free mobile app. You can access this free tool here.

Risk Assessment Access

Starting Your First Assessment 

Get started by selecting New > and then the type of risk you are going to be assessing. This could be either Machinery/Equipment, Tools or General (Hazard). 

If you have a paid subscription and select Machinery/Equipment or Tools you will be provided the option to attach the Risk Assessment to one or more of your inventory items

Select Inventory item


Complete all mandatory fields and choose what staff members will be participating in the assessment from the drop down menu > select Begin

Assessment Details


Completing Your Risk Assessments

Allow yourself about 30-45 minutes to complete an assessment properly. You can Save & Close at anytime, and return to your In Progress assessment at a later time. 

Each machinery or tools risk assessment will have 22 questions that need to be answered in order to be completed. General Assessments have more flexibility to assess the various factors associated with a task or activity. 

Some responses will generate more questions based on our logic and sequencing approach. All questions will require an answer to continue to the next step. 

Risk Assessment Questions


Judging your Inherent Risk

Selecting the likelihood and consequence of an event occuring will generate a risk score before exploring options that will control the risk it self.

Click on any of the hyperlinked words to see a more detailed description of the meaning

Inherent Risk Questions

Once you have completed the assessment you will be shown a summary which includes the overall risk calculated for that item(s) or activity. 

High Inherent Risk


Repeat these steps for all questions in order to assess the inherest risks on your farm, what steps you have taken (or can implement) to mitigate your risks.

You will then have the opportunity to set a new risk likelihood and consequence (based on these interventions) and receive a Residual Risk level.  This should always be the same, or lower, than the inherent risk.


Residual Risk levels


Submit the Assessment for Approval 

Once all questions have been answered and the Assessment has been reviewed,  select to either approve it yourself now, or save the assessment to be approved at a later date. 

submitting the assessment for approval


Free Account Holders will instead have the option to email the assessment to an approver. If this is chosen, the approver will need to manual review and approve a PDF version of the assessment. 

email to approver


If set as To Be Approved, you can view the completed Risk Assessment from the main page and approve at any time. 

risk assessment summary

Importing an Existing Risk Assessment from A Free Guest User 

If another person has completed a Risk Assessment on your property using our free guest user access, you can Import it into your system to view and/or approve. 

  • Once the Risk Assessment has ben completed by a Guest User it can be emailed to the assessor with an Import Code

risk assessment import code

Free Account Holders and Subscription Users will not be able to share their Risk Assessments at this stage of the program. 

While our Risk Assessment Tool is in Beta, we will be making updates and improvements along the way. Please feel free to give us feedback on your experience.