How to View or Edit a Chemicals Purchase or Usage Record

Before you start

On Desktop Only

  1. In the side menu, select Inventory > Chemicals.
  2. Find the applicable chemical and click the 3-dot-png-1 menu and select View.

    3 dot menu view
  3. Navigate to the to the Usage/Purchase tab.

    Usage/purchase tab
  4. Find the applicable record and click the 3-dot-png-1 menu and select Edit.

    chemical record listing

  5. Update the form as required and click Save once complete.

On App

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory Chemicals then tap on the applicable chemical.
  2. Tap Usage/Purchase Log.
  3. Tap on the applicable log to be viewed or modified.
  4. If the log requires editing tap Modify.
    The details can be entered via voice to text.  To do this tap on the microphone on the keyboard. Then speak into the phone.
  5. Edit the form as required.
  6. Tap Save.