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  2. Safety Manager
  3. Near Miss and Incident Reporting

Investigating a Near Miss or Incident

Reporting a Near Miss or Incident can be done from the Desktop or App. A Business Administrator or Supervisor will need to complete an investigation and complete the Report.

NOTE: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Investigating a Report can only be done on Desktop.

For App use, see Reporting a Near Miss or Incident (App).

To create a Report on Desktop, see Reporting a Near Miss or Incident

When a Report is created, Users will start the report and provide some key information about the Incident. After submission, the Report needs to be investigated by a Business Administrator or Supervisor.

An investigation is crucial to assess anything a business can do to prevent another related incident occurring.  

Completing an Incident Investigation

  1. From the left menu, select Safety Manager > Near Miss and Incident.
  2. Click Resume to open the Report. 
    Resuming NMI 2024
  3. Complete the Report fields. A field marked * is mandatory. Click Next to move to the next stage. Any information submitted by a User will be shown in the Report.

    If action is required as a result of the Incident, a Task can be created within the Report. 
    Click Add Task and complete the Task fields and Click Save. The task will automatically add basic information of in the Task Description. 
  4. Click Complete.

Report Stages

  1. The Essentials - the basic details of the incident.
  2. Severity - how severe the event was, emergency services involvement and possible damages. 
  3. Individuals - anyone involved in the incident and injury details if an injury occurred. 
  4. Evidence - including images, videos, statements and timelines. 
  5. Take Action - Safe Work reporting and follow up Checklist.
  6. Sign Off - after the investigation is finished, sign off is needed before completing the Report. This must be signed by at least one Business Administrator or Supervisor.