1. Knowledge Base
  2. Inventory
  3. Machinery and Equipment / Structures / Tools

Linking Tasks to Inventory

Linking Tasks to Inventory is a great way to make sure you don’t overlook any important actions. Plus, it makes it easy to add follow-up Tasks if someone comes across any issues that need attention.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

For App use see Linking Tasks to Inventory (App).

This guide will show how to:

Link a New Task

  1. From the Left menu navigate to Inventory > Machinery & Equipment / Structures / Tools / Chemicals.
  2. Click on the Inventory item to open.
  3. Select the Linked Tasks tab > Task Linking > Add Linked Task.
  4. Complete the Task Details, and click Save.
    1. For details on the Task fields, see Adding Tasks

Link an Existing Task

  1. From the Left menu navigate to Inventory > Machinery & Equipment / Structures / Tools / Chemicals.
  2. Click on the Inventory item to open.
  3. Select the Linked Tasks tab > Task Linking > Link Existing Task.
  4. Tick the grey box beside any Task needed, then click Save.

    What's Next?

    Linking Tasks to Inventory (App)

    Adding Maintenance

    Actioning Tasks