Linking Tasks to Inventory (App)

Tasks linked to inventory ensure actions are not overlooked and you can easily add a follow up task if you identify an issue that needs resolving.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

For desktop see Linking Tasks to Inventory.

  1. Access your inventory by:
    1. Tap main menu icon-hamburgermenu and select Inventory Machinery or Structures or Tools or Chemicals and select the inventory item, or
    2. Scan the item’s QR Code.
  2. To review existing tasks
    1. Tap Linked Tasks.
    2. Tap the task to open and action.
  3. To add a new task
    1. Tap Add Linked Task, or
    2. From the Quick Access menu tap Add + and select Add Task. Ensure there is a tick in Link to inventory name? checkbox.
    3. Complete the task details and tap Save.

Note: To link a task to inventory it must be created from the Linked Tasks tab on the Inventory item it relates to. Tasks generated from Checklists are linked to the checklist, not the inventory item.

What's Next?

Adding Maintenance (App)

Actioning Tasks (App)