Working with a Task

Tasks are items requiring action by one or multiple individuals. This article explains how you can work with your task list within Safe Ag Systems.

Before you start

  • You will need to have added a task or someone will have needed to allocate you a task.

Tasks can be accessed from either your Desktop or App. On the desktop they can be accessed from the Dashboard and Safety Manager.

On Desktop

  1. In the left side menu select:
    1. Dashboard > Incomplete Tasks window
    2. Or Safety Manager > Task Manager
  2. Find the applicable task and click on it to open.
    You can search for tasks in the Keyword Search and filter if required.
  3. If you want to edit the content of the task,
    1. click the Edit icon in the top right corner.
    2. You can now edit all fields in the task, add an image or upload documents or links.
    3. Click Save to save your changes.
  4. You can add a comment to a task at the bottom of the task window.
  5. To action a Task use the Orange icon in the bottom left corner. You can change the status of the Task to: In Progress, Complete, On Hold or Withdraw the task.

    To action a task menu
  6. To exit the changes without changing the status click Close.

Desktop Notification: When the status of the Task has been changed the Business Administrator will receive a notification via the bell at the top right which you can: Archive or Mark as Unread.

On App – View only My Tasks

  1. In the main menu, select Task Manager > My Tasks.
  2. Tap the applicable Task to view
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the task for options to Archive, Modify or Mark as Complete.
  4. To edit the Task click Modify, then:
    1. Change the task name in the What is the task? field.
    2. To upload an image, click the camera icon next to the task description.
    3. To change who the task is assigned to click in the Person Assigned field.
    4. Modify the Are there risks associated?, Task Notes, Priority and Due Date fields as required.
  5. Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to leave the task without saving your changes.

On App – View All Tasks

  1. In the main menu, select Task Manager > My Tasks.
  2. Tap the applicable Task to view.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the task for options to Archive, Modify or Mark as Complete.
  4. To edit the Task click Modify, then:
    1. Change the task name in the What is the task? field.
    2. To upload an image, click the camera icon next to the task description.
    3. To change who the task is assigned to click in the Person Assigned field.
    4. Modify the Are there risks associated?, Task Notes, Priority and Due Date fields as required.
  5. Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to leave the task without saving your changes.

App Notification: When the status of the Task has been changed the Business Administrator will receive a notification from the App.

There will also be a notification via the bell at the top right which you can mark the notification as: which you can Archive or Mark as Unread.


What's Next?

Adding a New Task

Safety Manager Webinar