Mapping a Location

Once a Location has been added, the boundary needs to be mapped. This can be done manually or through an import.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features. 

This can only be done on Desktop.

Before you start

Location boundaries can be added by:

Manual Boundary Mapping

  1. From the left hand menu, select Business > Locations then click more options 3-dot-png-1 > View/Edit. 
    1. If a Boundary already exists but needs to be edited, select more options 3-dot-v> Edit Boundary.
  2. On the map, click to begin adding the boundary. A line will automatically be added between each point. 
    1. If you need to start again, press Clear.
  3. Once the boundary is complete, the area will be filled grey and you can now click Save.

Mapping from an Import

Before an import can be done, a rough boundary needs to be mapped, see Manual Location Mapping

Import Template Requirements

The Template must:

  • Be in a CSV or KML file.
  • Have 4 columns, with the exact headings of Name, Category, LAT and LNG.
    • Name - the item's unique name. 
    • Category - the item's description or details.
    • LAT - the item's latitude location data. 
    • LNG - the item's longitudinal location data. 
  • The Name field is the only required field for each item.
  • The LAT and LNG field for each item must be both filled, or both unfilled.
    • If unfilled, the item will be imported, but not mapped. 
  • Any blank rows between items will be imported as an un-mapped item.

Importing Boundaries and/or Items

  1. From the left hand menu, select Business > Locations > Import Items.
  2. Upload the CSV or KML file, and select Next.
  3. Import the Boundary item first. Each layer of items needs to be a separate import. 
    1. Layers: Hazard, Emergency, Biosecurity, Structure, Other.
    2. Type: A Polygon is a Boundary, a Point is an Item. 

  4. Click the grey box next to the item/s, and select Next.
  5. Set the Location, Layer and Colour/Icons, and select Import.
    1. Note:  If importing a polygon that's a Location boundary, choose a Line Colour other than orange. This makes it easier to separate the imported boundary and the rough boundary drawn when you first created the Location.
  6. Imported items will be shown on the Location. 
    1. If you imported a Boundary, you will need to adjust the original boundary.
      1. From the left menu, select Business Locations and open a Location. 
      2. Select more options 3-dot-v> Edit Boundary. Chose to either:
        1. Edit the orange boundary as required (e.g. to match the imported polygon),
        2. Select Clear and redraw the boundary using the imported polygon as a guide.
      3. Click Save and delete the imported polygon. 

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