Adding a New Location

The Locations function enables you to geo-map boundaries of properties, and make the location of hazards and other items visible to system users in the workplace.

Sharing information and reporting on identified workplace hazards can help identify potential causes of incidents and mitigate them before an incident occurs, creating another risk prevention platform.

New Locations can only be added via the Desktop and can only be done by users who have Business Administrator or Supervisor access.

If you have multiple sites that are geographically separated, you are required to add these as individual locations.

Locations are used by multiple areas of Safe Ag Systems.

Adding a New Location is the first step in Emergency Management Setup. Each Location will have designated Important Contacts and Information, an Emergency Response Plan, and Directions for Emergency Services.

The At Work/Not At Work function relies on drawing location boundaries in order to see where your users are located.

After creating a location, you can map it in two different ways:

  • Draw the location boundary; then add the position of hazards and other items to the location
  • Import a .csv or .kml file (after first drawing a rough location boundary)

Add a New Location

  1. From the left hand menu, select Business > Locations then click Add New Location button.
  2. Fill in the required information into the following fields:
    (Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory) 
    1. Location name - this is the name you give to this location.
    2. Town - enter the full street address into this field to allow Google Maps to find a more accurate position.
    3. Postcode - entering the postcode also assists with finding a more accurate position. Once you click Save, the map will zoom into the postcode's location.
    4. Upload photo of location - this is an optional feature.  You can upload a photo of the location if you wish if this will make it easier for users to identify the location when viewing a Locations list.
  3. Once complete, click Save.
  4. When a map is displayed for a location, you can click and drag the map, or use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom the map in or out to help draw your location's boundary.

    NOTE: You can initially draw a very rough boundary and adjust it later; e.g. after importing items.
  5. Once you have identified the starting point for the boundary, click this position to place a marker. Then, make your way around your location's boundary placing markers as required. As you do this, an orange line will connect the markers starting to outline the boundary of your location. 

    If you need to make an adjustment to any of the markers, simply click and hold the relevant marker and drag to its new location. If you need to start again, select Clear at any stage. 

    draw a boundary
  6. To complete the boundary you will need to close it by clicking on the first marker. The boundary will then be closed, and the selected area will display with a darker shade.

    click to complete the boundary
    completed boundary
  7. To make an adjustment to any of the markers, simply click and hold the relevant marker and drag it to its new location. If you need to start again, click the Clear button.
  8. Once completed, click Save.
  9. If you wish to import items from a .kml or .csv file, click the Import Items button in the top right corner in the Locations tab and follow the instructions below.


Import a .csv or .kml file

Prior to importing items from a .kml or .csv file, you must ensure it is formatted as described below:

  • The file must have 4 columns titled
    • Name  - this must be a unique name to that hazard or item, eg. Power Pole 3
    • Category - optional description of the item/hazard
    • LAT - Latitude location data - can be left blank (item will appear unmapped)
    • LNG - Longitudinal location data - can be left blank (item will appear unmapped)
  • Name is the only field that MUST be populated - the other fields may be left blank.
  • Latitude and Longitude must either be BOTH populated or BOTH unpopulated. If only one of these two fields is populated there will be an error message when upload is attempted.
  • Blank rows between items will upload a non-mapped item.

  1. If you wish to import items from a .kml or .csv file, click the Import Items button in the top right corner in the Locations tab.
    NOTE: Items can be imported for existing Locations that have a boundary - i.e. you need to create the Location first and draw a rough boundary which can be adjusted after items are imported for the Location.
  2. Open File Explorer on your computer and locate the .kml or .csv file that contains items that you wish to import. Drag the file into the window.

  3. Click Next for a list of items to appear - items can be polygons or points.

  4. The import file may contain a polygon that represents the location boundary. If so, tick the checkbox next to that polygon to import it, and click Next.
  5. An Import Items screen will appear allowing you to define how imported item(s) should be shown in Safe Ag Systems after importing. Note that further adjustments to colour, icon etc can be made after items are imported.

    Select from the dropdown fields the Location, Layer and:
    Line Colour and Fill Colour for polygons, Colour and Icon for items represented as points on a map, and then click Import.

    NOTE:  If importing a polygon that represents your location boundary, choose a Line Colour other than orange. This will make it easier for you to distinguish between the imported shape as opposed to the rough boundary that you drew when you first created the location.

  6. Items that were imported will appear on the map.
    The boundary that you originally drew for the location will be shown in orange.
    You can now proceed to the next step to adjust the boundary around any imported items.

  7. Click on the location name on the Locations tab to select it. Then, click the 3-dot-v menu in the top right corner next to the location name and select Edit Boundary.
    Edit the orange boundary as required (e.g. to match the imported polygon),
    OR select Clear and redraw the boundary using the imported polygon as a guide.
  8. Once completed click Save.

    You can now delete the imported polygon item if you wish.

What's Next?

Adding a new mapped Hazard or Items