Offline Functionality (App)

The Safe Ag Systems App can be set to 'Offline Mode.' This is great when you're working in areas with low/no connectivity to improve the App's performance. Some areas of the App are unavailable offline.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features. 

To toggle Offline or Online, see Offline Mode (App).


  • Emergency Alerts can't be sent while offline.
  • No Notifications will be sent or received while offline. This includes to the person working offline or notifications to someone else resulting from an action completed when offline. 

While offline, some features of the App aren't available. Any new or edited data won't be uploaded and available to others until connection is restored. 

A pop-up will appear to alert the user that what they're trying to do is unavailable in offline mode. Examples of messages that appear are below:

Offline Mode Pop Up (1) Photo Upload Offline

The table below outlines what's not available when working offline. All other features will be available. 

Some key areas to be aware of include:



Functionality Unavailable


No notifications will trigger when offline, or from an offline action. This is across the entire App. 


Unable to post new messages.

Unable to view map on Emergency Alerts. 

Quick Access Menu
At Work   Unable to see list of other's At Work.

Add Hazard/Add Task

  • Unable to pin a location.

Report Near Miss & Incident 

  • Unable to upload images.

Unable to trigger an Emergency.

Key Emergency Contact can only be called if the device has access to connectivity. 

SDS can only be accessed if the device has access to connectivity.

Main Menu icon-hamburgermenu
My Details Unable to edit details.
Risk Assessments Module unavailable offline. 
Location Map Unable to load map images. Items will appear in List view only. 


  • Unable to start an Induction. 
  • Unable to agree/disagree a statement with an Image/PDF/Link in a Resumed Induction.
  • Unable to assign Inductions.

Policies / Procedures

  • Unable to view/accept a Policy or Procedure uploaded as a PDF. 
Switch Accounts Unable to switch accounts.
System Tools

Data Management 

  • Unable to Clear or Refresh System Data.
  • Unable to Manually Upload Offline Data.


  • Unable to check for App updates.
Help and Resources Only the Guided Tour is available offline.