Running Checklists (App)

Checklists is a powerful tool to run checks and capture responses. They can be used to capture meeting minutes, run pre-start checks on machinery, the sky is the limit from checks you can run.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Checklists can be run from:

Running a Checklist from Documents

  1. From main menu icon-hamburgermenu, tap Documents > Checklists.
  2. Navigate to one of the following tabs:
    1. Checklists - shows all available Checklists.
    2. To-Do - shows an individual's incomplete Checklists. The red circle will show the number outstanding.

  3. Tap a Checklist to run. Tap Start or Resume.
    1. If starting a new Checklist, tap to run the Checklist as a Standalone or For an Inventory Item
      Standalone Checklists can't be linked to an Inventory item later. 
      Perform Checklist As
  4. Tap Save & Close and resume the Checklist later from the To-Do tab. 
  5. When complete, tap Submit.

Note: You can also access In Progress checklists from Home icon-home-jpg > Incomplete Documents > Checklists. If Checklists aren't listed, none are outstanding.

A red number indicator will indicate how many Checklists you have in progress.

Running a Checklist from a Task

If a Task has been assigned with a Checklist linked, it will be shown under Safe Ag Systems documents. 

  1. Open the Task, tap the document under Safe Ag Systems documents.
    Linked Document - Task
  2. Complete the Checklist. 
  3. Mark the Task as Complete once done. 

What's Next?

Running Attached Checklists (App)

Viewing Checklist Logs (App)