Running Attached Checklists (App)

Checklists can be accessed from the Checklists tab of an inventory item and run. They can be used to run pre-start checks, verifications of competency and any other checks needed.

This functionality is only available in a Professional or Enterprise subscription.

A checklist must be attached to the inventory item.

  1. Open the inventory item:
    1. Tap main menu Main Menu Inventory > Machinery and Equipment or Structures or Tools and tap on the inventory item, or
    2. Tap QR Code icon-qr point and scan the QR code on the inventory item.
  2. Tap Checklists.
  3. Select the checklist to run.
  4. Tap Start
  5. A prompt will ask Perform checklist for: 
    • The name of the inventory - select this option if this is the inventory you are completing the checklist for
    • As standalone - if the checklist does not relate to any inventory
    • For another item - to select a different inventory item to attach the checklist to
  6.  Complete the checklist.
  7. At any stage, you can tap Save & Close and resume the Checklist later from the To-Do tab. 
  8. When complete tap Submit and Finish.

What's Next?

Running Checklists (App)