Running Reports

Use Reports to view records created in your Safe Ag Systems. Report templates can be filtered and exported, and are available across all system functionality.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Reporting is only available on Desktop.

The Reporting tab is not available on Standard Subscriptions.

The Reporting page is separated into key systems areas. Each area has pre-set templates provided. These can be filtered to show the correct information for your business. 

If a report template has been customised, this can be saved for future use. 

Running a Report

  1. From the left menu, go to Administration > Reporting.
  2. Click on the area to report on. Report options will be shown.
  3. Select a Report. 

  4. To change the data shown, click Show Filters. Add filters as needed.
    Example of filters include filtering by the status, date range, assignee or a specific Inventory item.

    To access the report and filters in the future, click Save and enter a new Report name.

To download or print a report, see Exporting a Report.

Favourite Reports

Click the star beside a Report Name to add it to Favourites Report. This allows for faster access to the report. 

Recent Reports 

The list of most recent reports accessed by this User.