Offline Mode (App)

In areas of poor connectivity the App may be slow while looking for a connection. In these areas, set the App to Offline Mode to improve the App's performance. Data will be uploaded when the App is re-connected.

Not all App features are available offline, see Offline Functionality (App) for full details.


  • Emergency Alerts can't be sent while offline.
  • No Notifications will be sent or received while offline. This includes to the person working offline or notifications to someone else resulting from an action completed when offline. 

A user can easily set themselves offline or online within the Safe Ag Systems App. When they are working offline, any changes made won't be available to others until they are back online. A data upload will happen automatically, but can be done manually if needed.

Guides are available on each area below:

Setting to Offline Mode

  1. From Home icon-home-jpg, tap Main Menu Main Menu.
  2. Tap Offline mode - the toggle will turn green.

    Offline Mode Toggle On
  3. A pop-up will appear alerting that any changes made won't be available to others until the App is online again.

When offline, a grey Offline mode banner will be shown through the App.

If any data is added or changed, an orange Data sync pending banner will be shown.

Offline Mode and Data Sync Banners

Setting to Online Mode and Data Upload 

From the Offline Mode Banner

  1. Tap 'Set Online' from the grey banner.
  2. Tap 'Go Online' from the pop-up.
  3. Any new or edited data will automatically sync and be available to other users. 

Offline Confirmation

From the Main Menu icon-hamburgermenu

  1. From Home icon-home-jpg, tap Main Menu Main Menu.
  2. Tap Offline mode - the toggle will go from green to grey.
  3. Any new or edited data will automatically sync and be available to other users. 

Offline Mode Toggle Off

Manual Data Upload

A data upload will happen automatically when returning to work online. If an error occurs or you are missing data added offline, it can be triggered manually.

  1. From Home icon-home-jpg, tap Main Menu Main Menu.
  2. Tap System Tools > Data Management > Upload Offline Data
  3. Tap OK to confirm.

Manual Data Upload

What's Next?

Navigating Home (App)