Inspections are helpful to assist you in identifying risks before they cause an incident or injury.
Inspections will be replaced by Checklists soon to make them easier to build and run.
We will continue to support the Inspections module until the move is complete.
All Inspection templates can already be located in the checklists Template Library.
Navigate to Documents > Checklists and click on the Template Library tab. Type Inspections in the Search keyword field to bring up all inspection templates.
Start using these now and attach inspection checklists to inventory or when assigning a task
The following link explains how to use checklists and provides further links to checklist help:
Inspections must be run on the Safe Ag Systems App.
- From main menu , select Documents > Inspections.
- Select the Location and tap New Inspection.
- Select the category of the Inspection you would like to perform. (e.g. Hazards and Risks) Then select a sub category.
- Tap Start to begin the inspection.
- Each statement has two options:
- Agree
- Action - tap this button if there is an action that needs to be done based off the statement. This will prompt you to add a task.
- Once complete click Save.
- To view the completed inspection select Documents > Inspections and tab Inspection Reports
- Tap the inspection report to view.