Using Checklist and AgAuditor Elements

Checklists and AgAuditor templates are built using Elements. This article explains the functionality of each of the elements.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Elements are added to a checklist to build functionality. Elements are split into two categories:

  1. Builder Elements - these elements are further split into two categories:
    1. Content Elements - Content elements can be used to present information or instructions when a checklist or audit is run.
    2. Response Elements - Response Elements are used to collect information from the user when a checklist or audit is run. 
  2. Library Elements - these elements are further split into two categories:
    1. User Library - User Library elements are Builder Elements that have been customised by the user and saved to be used again
    2. System Library - System Library elements are elements that have been used repeatedly by the user and are then auto saved to the system library.

Builder Elements

There is a number of builder elements within the system each achieving a different purpose.


Using Elements

  1. To utilise an element, drag and drop the element into the checklist from the Library on the right-hand side.
  2. The element will present an options window to set the content. 

  3. Response elements can be set to
    1. Required - the user must respond
    2. Display options inline - options are displayed horizontally instead of vertically (default)
    3. Number this item - to number each item in order
  4. To edit added elements select from the options in the top right corner

    • Apply Conditional Logic
    • Edit - to edit the wording or features of an element
    • Save as Library Element - saves the element to the Library Elements tab in the right library. This enables elements to be customised and dragged into the checklist multiple times.
    • Delete element
    • Duplicate element - to replicate.
  5. To reposition an element within your checklist, click and drag the element to its new location.


Content Elements

Content elements can be used to present information within Checklists and AgAuditor forms. 

  • Headings

    Use headings to break your documents into sections, select from 3 heading sizes.
  • Paragraph

    A body of information within the checklist. i.e. Could be an introduction and instructions for completing the checklist.
  • External Link

    Link to external sources that may be relevant to the checklist via a URL.
  • Image

    Insert any images that may assist with instructions on how to complete tasks within the checklist.
  • SAS Documents (Checklists only)

    Attach any of your Safe Ag Systems Policies or Procedures.
  • PPE

    Insert PPE icons that are relevant to the checklist.
  • Video Embed (Checklists only)

    Have an instructional video hosted on Youtube or Vimeo? These can be added to the checklist via our Video Embed element.
  • Separator

    Separate the content of your checklist into different sections by inserting a solid, dashed or dotted line.
  • Page Break

    Have a long checklist you want to break up, use the page break element to separate the checklist into different pages.
  • Group (Checklists only)

    Elements can be grouped together on the form so that a border can be drawn around them and the background can be coloured differently.

    Using Grouping
    1. Create Grouping by dragging group into the body. You can choose your background colour.  While building the Checklist, the colour will be grey until previewed & published. how to create grouping
    2. Drag additional elements into the box to ensure that they are included in the grouping. This can help to separate ideas.

If a large document is being created using multiple grouping, the groupings can be saved as a Library Element to ensure consistency. Click the icon in your grey groupings box to create this.

creating a library

Response Elements

Response Elements are used to collect information. 

All Response Elements can be set as required by ticking the Required checkbox so that crucial fields have to be completed in order for the checklist to be submitted. 

  • Record Repeater

    By inserting a Record Repeater, a set of response elements can be defined giving users the option to add multiple records as needed. 

    Using the Record Repeater

    1. Create the Record Repeater by dragging it from Builder Elements into the body.
    2. Fill in the prompt with the question/statement that requires an answer.
    3. Set the minimum number of records required.

      Record Repeaters will automatically present vertically via desktop and app. If you would like to view horizontally on the desktop (only) select Display elements inline when viewing.
    4. Drag response elements into the white Record Repeater box.
    5. Once the Checklist and/or Audit has been published the Record Repeater will display an Add Record button. The user will be able to duplicate the response fields as many times as needed when running the checklist.

  • Link Evidence (AgAuditor only)

    Enables evidence to be linked from Safe Ag Systems documentation. When run the audit will pull evidence into the audit log.

    Using Link Evidence
    1. Create the Link Evidence by dragging it from Builder Elements into the body.
    2. Fill out the prompt with the overarching question/statement that you seek answers for.
    3. Select + Specify Evidence.
    4. Choose the Evidence Type.
    5. Select the Data Type to be shown (Document, Logs or Completed Documents).
      • Documents - links to the published document.
      • Logs - links to the logs generated when published documents are accepted or run. Allows all completed document logs to be listed.
      • Completed Documents - this allows for five logs to be shown.
    6. You can also narrow down the selection by picking the version, what it is was Performed For (Inventory only) and date range.

  • Text Field

    Use text fields to collect written responses within checklists. You can select from single-line or multi-line responses.
  • Date

    This field captures a specified date.
  • Number Field

    This field only accepts numeric inputs to be placed in one line.
  • Dropdown List

    Create a dropdown selection list to set the types of responses you require.
  • Checkboxes

    Create checkbox lists for individuals to complete.
  • Radio Buttons

    If you require a specific response for your checklist (eg yes/no answer), then utilise the Radio button element.
  • File Upload

    Request that any relevant images are taken and uploaded while running the checklist on the App.
  • Signature

    If you require a signature at the end of the checklist, simply drag and drop this element in and make it required.  
  • Draw

    Upload an image that can have a response drawn on to it by the person completing the checklist. 
  • Add Task

    If a checklist requires further actions then a task can be generated from the checklist.
  • SAS Record

    Incorporate the name of a pre-existing person, machinery/equipment, tool, structure, chemical, and locations.

What's Next?

Building Checklists

Building an Audit

Using Conditional Logic