Both Contractors and Businesses have a responsibility to ensure work is completed safely. The Contractor Directory allows Contractors and Businesses to connect and share safety information.
When a Business and Contractor are connected through the Contractor Directory, the Contractor Business can:
- Complete Assigned Inductions and Tasks,
- Access Inventory, including Linked Documents and Maintenance Records,
- Access Emergency Management information and trigger Emergency Alerts,
- Access Location Maps,
- Submit Hazards, and Near Miss and Incident Reports,
- View and Accept Policies and Procedures (when shared), and
- Share Risk Assessments.
To connect your Contractor Business to a Safe Ag Systems site, the following steps need to be completed.
- Create your Contractor Directory listing
- You may be sent an email to list by a business.
- Once listed, the business sends you a Connection Invite
- Accept the Invite
- Download and use the Safe Ag Systems App to access their site