Accessing Training Records

Training Records are a great way to keep all of your staff's records together. This guide will show you how you can find them when you need to.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

To see a Record in the App, see Viewing Training (App)

Training records can be:

View Training Records for an Individual

  1. From the left menu, go to People > Manage People. Find the individual's user tile and click more options 3-dot-png-1 and View.
  2. Navigate to the Training Records tab. This will display a list of the user's Training Records.

  3. To view further details of a training record, click on the Training Name.

View Records from the Training Register

  1. From the left menu, go to People > Training Register.
  2. The list shows all Training Records for all users.
  3. To view further details of a training record, click on the Training Name.


Use the 'Expiry' filter to only see records in a certain status. For example, records that are expired, overdue or due for expiry soon.  

Clicking on any of the table headings will sort by that field - 'Expires' can sort by records expiring first.