Viewing Procedure Logs (App)

You can assign policies and procedures to user’s for them to read and accept. A log of all accepted policies and procedures is retained on the user’s profile under the Logs tab.

Procedure Logs can be viewed for an individual user, an inventory item or you can search all procedure logs.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

  1. From the main menu icon-hamburgermenu,
    1. For an Individuals logs, tap People and select the user then Procedure Logs.
    2. For all procedure logs, tap Documents > Procedures and select the Logs tab
    3. For an inventory's logs:
      1. Tap QR Code icon-qr and scan the inventory item's QR Code, or
      2. From main menu icon-hamburgermenu tap Inventory > Machinery & Equipment or Structures or Tools or Chemicals, select the inventory item, then Procedures and select the Logs tab. Use Filters to search.
  2. A list of procedure logs will display.
  3. Use Filters to search.
  4. The status of the log will show on the right (Accepted/Assigned)
  5. Tap on the procedure to view.

What's Next?

Viewing Policy Logs (App)