Viewing Hazards or Items (App)

Viewing Hazards lets workers know of items that could cause harm. Each location has its own hazard map available to staff.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

Before you start

Viewing Hazards

  1. From the main menu icon-hamburgermenu, tap Location Maps.
  2. Tap the Location needed.
    1. If the User is marked At Work, with Location Services On and within a Location boundary, the App will highlight their Current Location. 
      Location Maps Current Location
  3. Tap List View or Map View to toggle between views.
    1. List View displays a list of the hazards.
      1. Tap the hazard name to view details.
    2. Map View displays a satellite map of the hazards.
      1. Tap the hazard's icon, and tap the Hazard Name to view details.
  4. Tap Filters to add other Layers - including People and Structures.

    Hazard Map View FullHazard List View Full

What's Next?

Adding Hazards or Items (App)

Editing Hazards or Items (App)