Viewing Hazards or Items

After Hazards or Items have been added to a Location, they can be viewed from your Location Maps. This includes seeing Hazards, Structures and People.

Note: Your Access Level may restrict the use of some features.

For App, see Viewing Hazards or Items (App)

Hazards and Items can be accessed:

Before you Start:

Viewing Hazards from a Location Map

  1. From the left menu, select Business Locations and select a Location. 
  2. Use Layer to add additional Item types to the map.
    1. Hazards and Current Alerts will be shown by default. 
  3. Click an icon from the map or click the item from the list for details.  

Viewing Hazards from Location Items

  1. From the left menu, select Business Locations and navigate to the Location Items tab. 
  2. Click an Item Name to access details.
  3. Use Filters to change the Items shown. This includes filtering by Location, Layer and/or Priority. 
    1. If needed, click More Filters to see the full range of filtering options.

What's Next?

Editing Hazards or Items