Actioning Tasks (App)

Tasks are items requiring action by one or multiple individuals. This article explains how you action tasks from the App.

Note: A Task's Status cannot be updated unless the task is Assigned to the user.

  1. Tap main menu Main MenuTask Manager and select from the following: 
    1. My Tasks - tasks assigned to you
    2. Task for Anyone - tasks that anyone can pick up
    3. Unassigned Tasks - tasks that are waiting to be assigned
    4. All Tasks - all tasks listed in Task Manager
  2. Tap the task to view
  3. Add a comment at the bottom of the screen to record progress on the task. Tap Submit .
  4. Tap Attach to attach a file to the task.
  5. To edit the task, tap more options icon-3dot and select Edit.
  6. If unassigned, use the Assignee(s) dropdown to assign the task (the task must be assigned to the user to enable the status to be changed)
  7. Tap the status button to change to:
    1. Mark as In Progress
    2. Mark as Complete
    3. Mark as On Hold
    4. Withdraw Task
  8. Click Save.
  9. To Duplicate tasks tap more options icon-3dot and select Duplicate.
  10. To Delete tasks tap more options icon-3dot and select Delete.

App Notification: When the Status of a Task is changed, the task creator and assignees (excluding the person who edited the task) will receive a notification via the bell icon-bell-badge.

What's Next?

Adding Tasks (App)