Removing or Duplicating Chemicals

Chemicals can be removed from inventory by archiving or deleting. You can also duplicate chemicals and then edit.

Before you start

Archiving, deleting, or duplicating a chemical record can only be done on Desktop.

Instructions below show how to

Archive or Delete Chemicals

  1. From the left menu, select Inventory Chemicals.
  2. Find the applicable chemical and click more options 3-dot-png-1 then select Archive or Delete.

  3. Click Continue.
NOTE: Deleted chemicals cannot be retrieved. Archived chemicals can be retrieved from Administration > Archive tab

Duplicate Chemicals

  1. From the left menu, select Inventory Chemicals.
  2. Select the chemical you wish to duplicate and click the 3-dot-png-1 menu then select Duplicate Chemical.

  3. You will be prompted to confirm the action then update the Opening Quantity and Unit of Measurement as required. 

  4. Click Save to confirm the duplicated chemical.

What's Next?

Accessing Chemical SDS